32 Potable water, ground drilled water, bottled water, ice, water from swimming pools
ColorBDS 8451; BDS EN ISO 7887 item2.3
Taste (TFN) BDS EN 1622 Прил. С; BDS 8451
Smell (TON)BDS EN 1622 Прил. С; BDS 8451
TemperatureBDS 8451
Active reactionBDS 3424
Titrable total acidityQOP 504-1-FH-12
Dry residueBDS 3546
Chloride ions contentQOP 504-1-FH-03
Chlorine residues contentBDS 3560 item5
Aluminum content - spectrometricQOP 504-1-FH-07
Aluminum content – ICPBDS EN ISO 17294-1 2:2005
Ammonium ions content QOP 504-1-FH-10
Antimony contentBDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Arsenic contentQOP 504-1-FH-19; BDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Barium contentBDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Boron contentQOP 504-1-FH-58; BDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Iron contentQOP 504-1-FH-02
Mercury contentQOP 504-1-FH-61; QOP 504-1 ICP/MS-03
Iodine contentQOP 504-1-FH-46
Cadmium contentBDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Tin contentBDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Calcium content - spectrometricQOP 504-1-FH-21;
Calcium content – ICPBDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Magnesium contentQOP 504-1-FH-52; BDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Manganese content - spectrometricQOP 504-1-FH-04
Manganese content – ICPBDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Copper contentQOP 504-1-FH-18; BDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Sodium contentQOP 504-1-FH-51; BDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Nickel contentQOP 504-1-FH-24; BDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Nitrates contentQOP 504-1-FH-08
Nitrites contentQOP 504-1-FH-05; BDS 1035
Lead contentQOP 504-1-FH-16; BDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Selenium contentQOP 504-1-FH-59; BDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Sulphates contentQOP 504-1-FH-09
Fluorides contentQOP 504-1-FH-01
Phosphates (phosphorus) content - spectrometricQOP 504-1-FH-06
Phosphates (phosphorus) content – ICPBDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Chromium content QOP 504-1-FH-25; BDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Cyanides content QOP 504-1-FH-53
Zinc contentQOP 504-1-FH-23; BDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Electrical conductivityBDS EN 27888
Potassium contentBDS EN ISO 17294-2:2005
Total hardnessBDS 3775
Permanganate oxidizabilityBDS 3413
Dissolved oxygen contentBDS EN 25813
Suspended matter contentBDS EN 872
Pesticide contentBDS EN ISO 6468
Total number of microorganisms, including mesophilic aerobes and facultative anaerobesBDS EN ISO 6222; BDS 17335 item6
Vibrios (other than Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae)ISO/TS 21872-2
Vibrio parahaemolyticus; Vibrio choleraeISO/TS 21872-1
Escherichia coliBDS EN ISO 9308-1; BDS 17336 item6.4
Enterococus speciesBDS EN ISO 7899-2; BDS 17335 item8
Campylobacter spp.ISO 17995
Clostridia, including Sulfite-reducingBDS EN 26461-2
Coagulase-positive staphylococciBDS 17335 item9
Coliforms, including faecal ColiformsBDS EN ISO 9308-1; BDS 17335 item7; BDS 17336 item6.2; BDS 17336 item6.3
LegionellaBDS EN ISO 11731-2
Pseudomonas aeruginosaBDS EN ISO 16266
Salmonella speciesISO 19250